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History Research
In considering the shape and future of the rivers, we looked for insight and understanding by investigating their past.
- Krishna, P. (2004) Pittsburgh Urban Waterfront: 1872-1926. Pittsburgh PA: STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.
An urban design analysis of the urban waterfront of Pittsburgh that focuses on the changes to the urban waterfronts of the city from the late nineteenth century to the first quarter of the twentieth. - Darby, L. (2002) A Changing Space: The South Side of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh PA: STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.
A historic overview of the shifts in access to the rivers, specifically the roads which were sold to industrial interests at the turn of the century. - Burnett, S. (2001) History of Public Access. Pittsburgh PA: STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.
A historical overview of the rivers and the changing relationship between public/private interests. - Moxley, S. (2001) From Rivers to Lakes: Engineering Pittsburgh's Three Rivers. Pittsburgh PA: STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.
A history of the regions waterways and the increasingly technical systems which were developed to manage the flow of water to enable consistent transportation shipping and related industrial development. - Bachman, C. (2001) Images and Anxieties in 19th Century Landscape Painting: Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Pittsburgh PA: STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University.
An overview of eighteenth and nineteenth century landscape painting that depicts the changing relationships between nature, land, water, cities, labor and industry in Allegheny County.