
Articles by Mike Koryk and Linda Stafford
US Army Corps of Engineers- The Impact of Airport Deicing Runoff on Water Quality and Aquatic Life in a Pennsylvania Stream (pdf 1.7m)
- Aquatic Insect Communities Within the Drainage Basin of a Pennsylvania River Extensively Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage (pdf 250k)
- Highway Deicing Salt Runoff Events and Major Ion Concentrations along a Small Urban Stream (pdf 383k)
- Rhyacophila Mainensis Banks in Elk County, Pennsylvania (pdf 224k)
- The
Impact of Above Grade Sewerline Crossings on the Distribution
and Abundance of Fishes in Recovering Small Urban Streams of the
Upper Ohio River Valley (pdf 364k)
Articles by Mike Koryak
US Army Corps of Engineers- Adult Trichoptera as indicators of water quality in the Upper Ohio River Drainage Basin (pdf 406k)
- Vascular Riffle Flora of Appalachian Streams: The Ecology and Effects of Acid Mine Drainage on Justicia Americana (L.) Vahl (pdf 3.3m)
- Wetland Regulation in Appalachia (pdf 4.2m)
- The Occurrence of Peridinium inconspicuum Lemmermann (Dinophyceae) in Minerally Acid Waters of the Upper Ohio River Basin (pdf 222k)
- Instream Flow Needs: The Influence of Mainstem Navigation Dams on Water Quality and Fisheries in the Upper Ohio River Basin (pdf 638k)